
What is Pilates?
Pilates is a mental and physical conditioning programme, which changes the body from within by targeting the deep postural muscles and improving body awareness. It restores proper alignment, promotes strength and flexibility, and creates a lean, toned body.
"A body freed from nervous tension and over-fatigue is the ideal shelter provided by nature, for housing a well-balanced mind that is fully capable of successfully meeting all the complex problems of modern living." - Joseph Pilates
Is Pilates for me?
Yes, if you want to be:
Energetic - efficient respiratory and circulatory systems allow the body to cleanse itself, by detoxifying the blood and renewing the cells - providing energy for daily life.
Supple - a strong and flexible spine maintains proper postural alignment, which minimizes wear and tear on body structures - ensuring correct muscle recruitment that helps prevent injury.
Graceful - movement patterns are natural, with a full normal range of movement. Improved balance and co-ordination allow the body to move with ease, poise and flow.
Balanced - a perfect balance between strength and flexibility is achieved through developing muscles in a harmonious way.
Svelte - long, lean legs and arms and toned abdominals, back and buttocks are merely a result of full-body conditioning exercises that focus on elongating and strengthening muscles, to create the desired shape.
Calm and happy - constant awareness of the movement process and conscious integration of the body and mind help reduce anxiety, stress and depression, promote relaxation, boost self-esteem and increase feelings of well-being.